After being without power for 4 days last week and spending the last several weeks deciding whether we should build on the lot we've had for 2 years ( we've decided to keep trying to sell the lot) I was REALLY, REALLY looking forward to some coffee and gab time with my friend, Deb. Deb and I have so much in common and we actually have intellectually stimulating conversations ( as opposed to the ongoing dialogue about the latest wii game or high school drama I have daily with the kiddos). The truth is, Deb is my ONLY friend. I mean, I have aquaintances and some other moms I make small talk with, but Deb's the only friend I have that I share the down and dirty stuff of life with. I feel somewhat deficient because I only have one friend. I envy the blogs of other women who have several girlfriends that get together regularly. I suspect something about me is deeply flawed and that I am missing out on what every other woman on the planet seems to have. But I digress.
The point of this all is that my coffee times with Deb keep me sane and my sanity is teetering on the edge as of late. So, I was totally stoked about coffee with Deb.
So, OF COURSE, the z-man wakes up this morning and declares that he is TIRED and has a BAD HEADACHE. I tell him in my most nurturing voice " that's too bad, you're going to school, I'm sure you'll feel better". ( You're NOT going to ruin my coffee date).
In the car on the way to school, he's still complaining. I give him half an advil and assure him that he'll feel much better by the time we pull into the school parking lot. ( Please, God, let the advil work)
So, I'm practically pushing the boy out of the van when he appeals to me one final time. I reluctantly kiss his forehead and sure enough the little guy has a fever.
The poor guy is sick and all I care about is my fragile sanity. I very reluctantly and with a bit of resentment bring the boy back home. HE BETTER NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT A REMARKABLE RECOVERY IN A COUPLE OF HOURS. And may god help him if he refuses to take a nap.
Coffee and gab time will have to wait for another day.
1 comment:
I don't recall how I found your blog the other day, most likely from a link on another, but I just gotta tell ya that you crack me up!....and cracking me up aint easy!....I just recently turned 50, try that one on for size, ha!....and I don't have ANY friends so there! teehee....I am going to add your blog to my list of favorites, thank you for the chuckles!
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